2024 Annual Meeting & Member Event
Golden Valley Electric Association’s Annual Meeting & Member Event will be on Thursday, April 25 at Hering Auditorium. The Member Event will begin at 5 p.m. with educational displays, complimentary food, family activities, games and more! The Annual Meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m.
The meeting will be live-streamed on Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA)’s YouTube and then shared to GVEA’s Facebook page!
Members will be able to access the meeting live on Thursday, April 25 at 6:30 p.m. via:
- GVEA’s YouTube channel
- Audio only, in listen-only mode: Dial +1 907-290-5708 then enter Phone Conference ID 225 688 748#
- The meeting will be posted on GVEA’s Facebook Page.
GVEA Fast Facts – A Glance Back at 2022
2023 Annual Members Meeting
Interested in last year’s meeting? Watch a video on GVEA’s 2023 Annual Members’ Meeting.
Strategic Directives
Asset Management: Implement Asset Management System and Reliability Centered Maintenance programs and technologies to ensure a structured, planned, methodical, cross-departmental approach to the management of GVEA assets. Prepare for and adopt AK-CIP standards.
Demand Side Management and Distributed Generation: Create a complementary strategy to incorporate demand side management and distributed generation into GVEA’s generation strategy.
Equity Management Planning: Revise Policy 5.4 to establish a minimum equity to asset ratio and related annual TIER and DSC ratios reflective of future asset investment.
Generation Portfolio: Recognizing GVEA’s aging generation fleet and evolving regulatory landscape, create, recommend and implement as approved, a future generation strategy that utilizes proven generation and demand side technologies on a GVEA owned or purchased (locally or on a Railbelt) basis to optimally balance fuel and life cycle cost, emissions reduction, load, reliability, fuel resource and time frame criteria.
Industry Influence: Create and implement a strategy guided by the philosophy of “engagement at every level by every level” to influence utility issues at the statewide level as driven by established corporate positions on key issues.
Information Technology: Create and implement a comprehensive information technology strategy to establish a cross-departmental process for the identification, evaluation, purchase, effective installation and optimal utilization of cost-effective, proven, industry-standard IT for the benefit of GVEA and its members.
Member and Community Communications: Develop a corporate brand and communications strategy that builds trust and maximizes engagement with GVEA members through education, learning, and communication about GVEA, utilizing a multitude of communication mediums and innovative technology platforms.
PM 2.5 Issue: Continue to collaboratively work to address and resolve the PM2.5 issue in the community.
Performance Metrics: Continue to refine the use of metrics to measure actual cooperative, departmental and employee performance against established targets.
Safety: Instill and promote a culture of safety defined by individual ownership and passion that establishes employee and member safety as a critical value and top priority for the GVEA Board of Directors and employees, and that is translated into safety performance measured by relevant leading and lagging metrics. Establish non-negotiable safety standards for contractors and other third parties performing work for or with GVEA.
Vegetation Management: Ensure GVEA has a robust vegetation plan in place and is being executed.